Invasive Plant Removal Services
Euonymus, honeysuckle, English Ivy, Vinca, and Burning Bush. What do these plants have in common? They can become horribly invasive.
Honeysuckle, perhaps the most recognized invasive plant, started as the solution to erosion control along highways. Unfortunately, this non-native is destroying ecosystems. Its leaves emerge far before the spring ephemerals have a chance to grow and bloom, they hold their leaves late in the fall, their berries have a very low nutritional value, and it’s believed their roots poison the soil, further disrupting the growth of desirable plants.
The pear tree- that spring blooming wonder also seen in large masses along the highway, in disturbed areas, and old fields is a rampant spreader. It’s to be added to the state’s official no-plant-list, but it’s too late, this tree has already taken hold in what could have been great natural areas.
And then we have the climbers: English Ivy and Euonymus are on the top of that list. Left unattended, these vigorous plants can quickly engulf a large tree.
“By simply eliminating non-native, invasive plants from your yard, we make a big difference in the natural as well as economic value of your landscape,” shares Peter Wimberg. “One of the easiest ways to make a noticeable impact in your landscape is to swap an invasive shrub like honeysuckle with something that’s attractive and contributes to the natural health of the landscape.”
We can help! Winter is a great time to tackle the removal of invasive plants.
- We are less apt to damage or disturb desirable plants
- The invasive plants are easy to identify and eliminate
- Invasive plant removal ensures our crews work year-round – something we strive to achieve in an otherwise seasonal industry
We can advise you as to which invasive plants should be removed first, if not all at once, when the work should be done, and install desirable replacement plants.
“We may not have the ability to reclaim the highways and abandoned fields, but we can reclaim our yards from invasive plants like honeysuckle and plant something that is beneficial to our landscape and the natural habitat within,“ reflects Jennifer Smith.