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Notes from the Gardens: Ault Park

My desire to garden more for pollinators is rewarding me in spades. I gave this little garden in the park’s adopt-a-plot area a slight makeover: editing repetitive plants, weeds and English Ivy and adding plants for pollinators. 

Not only has my focus on pollinator plants provided me with a gorgeous garden full of amazing color, the pollinators are loving it, too.

While I was doing some quick weeding (rain and a lot of pinefines makes weeding a delight) I was surrounded by bumblebees and two hummingbird moths. (A video of a hummingbird moth in action is posted on our facebook page).

The Agastache is doing particularly well. It’s been in bloom since day one and is never without a visitor from a pollinator. The Salvia leucantha AKA Mexican bush sage is starting to take shape. It always seems slow to start, but come fall, it explodes with the most beautiful velvety purple flowers that attract more pollinators. 

Planning for next season. The hostas, Gladiolus and one remnant knock-out rose will be removed to make way for plants better suited for benefiting pollinators. Is this editing necessary? No. Depending on the size of your garden, a complete pollinator makeover may not be financially feasible or manageable time-wise. If you are faced with restraints, consider adding a few pollinator plants where room and finances allow. The evolution of the garden can be swift or can evolve over time.  ~ Jennifer

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