Garden professionals such as the Wimberg Landscaping maintenance teams, see the landscape differently. They have the ability to assess the condition of your property as it relates to what needs to be addressed today as well as what we need to plan for in the future. So what are the first things our maintenance professionals see?

The condition of the groundcover is one of the first things to catch a trained gardener’s attention. In Cincinnati, where hills dominate the landscape, groundcover is an oft-used plant material.

“When English Ivy is well manicured so it’s not obstructing walkways and staircases and the new growth is kept in check so not to diminish from the clean, almost carpet-like appearance of the ivy, it’s wonderful. When it’s left to do as it pleases, it can completely diminish the overall appearance of a landscape, no matter how well maintained the rest may be,” shares Mike Pringle, a maintenance team leader with Wimberg Landscaping.

The impact, for the good or detriment of a garden, that groundcover has is why our teams allocate time at each call for its maintenance.

Maintaining a clean, crisp distinction between a garden bed and a lawn is not an option, it’s a necessity for keeping a landscape looking good. “You don’t need to be a professional gardener to know when something is unkempt and ratty. A messy edge is an easy thing spot,” Lisa Knapp, maintenance expert shares.

The lines of a garden bed, whether they are straight or curved as well as beds abutting hardscapes, are thoughtfully designed. There’s a reason why a bed is curved or straight; the lines of the beds are key design elements and once they are left to blur, with grass creeping in the the bed or weeds obscuring the once tidy edging, the design element is lost.

Neglected Pruning
Pruning is not a difficult garden task, but it’s certainly an intimidating one. Some trees and shrubs can be very forgiving when it comes to pruning, others demand a bit more thought before a cut is made. “Neglecting the pruning of trees and shrubs can go unnoticed for a year or two by many, but a trained gardener, such as myself, can immediately see the negative impact on the plant,” says Rob Garcia, maintenance team leader. “When maintenance pruning is skipped, branches may start to rub, causing injury to the plant, suckers and water sprouts emerge which destroy the aesthetics of a tree and what can be very concerning to a homeowner–trees and shrubs rubbing or growing over a a home.”

Autumn is great time to prune trees and shrubs. The plants are moving into hibernation, reducing stress on the plant when cuts are made. Also the architecture of a deciduous plant is completely revealed, making it easier to ascertain where cuts should be made for the health of the plant as well as its physical appearance in the landscape.

Do your trees and shrubs need pruning Not sure? Call us, we can help.

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