“There are dozens of ways to design a property, but typically I start with just listening to how the client wants to use their space,” shares Wimberg designer, Natalie Selker. “That’s why I ask a lot of questions and spend a lot of time listening and delving into what the homeowner envisions. Once I know what they want, we figure out budget so that I can design something that fits what they want and need as well as what they can afford.”
Winter Interest. If a garden was so lackluster that a client never bothered to look out the windows, then we know a solid foundation of trees, shrubs, well defined beds and focal points are demanded of the design. “Why work with a designer and her teams to create a garden you only enjoy in the summer? I want that garden to be attractive year-round by using all different types of trees, evergreens, perennials and grasses,” Natalie shares.
Outdoor Living. How a client plans to use their landscape is just as important as how they use their kitchen or living room. Does the client want lush gardens meandering about the lawn with benches and seats tucked in here and there or is this to be more of an extension of the home? Does the client want a second dining and cooking area, a covered seating area, and room for lots of guests? Or, do they want the lawn removed, gardens planted and just enough room for a small yoga patio instead?
Budget. We know talking about money is not always easy. However, the only way we can respect what you want to invest in the new landscape is to know your budget. If elements you desire are beyond the budget, we can work with you to create alternatives or work on a plan that is installed in stages. “A designed landscape plan is often a good idea so that you can phase and budget your project over a few seasons. So even if your budget doesn’t allow you to install your dream project right away, we can help you design it so that over a few years you could afford to do everything on your list,” Natalie reassures.
Call us, we can help you start the process of making that grand idea for your yard a reality! 271.2332