Being over our average rain amount so far this year by more than 22 inches has a great impact on the landscape and how we and home gardeners tackle garden chores.
A few days of heat and sun will help, but low lying areas, even those slight dips in your yard, may remain wet for quite a while yet. Our heavy clay soil does an excellent job of retaining moisture.
Mowing Our mowers are seldom thwarted in their task, but a too wet yard will stop them in their tracks. Luckily a dry warm spell of a day or two allows us to get back to our mowing schedule.
Installation Adjustments have been made to account for the lost days in the field due to heavy rains and dangerous storms. We can work in most any condition, but sometimes you just have to wait for the inclement weather to pass. Our sales representatives are keeping clients abreast of changes in their installation schedule.
Watering Before you water, we strongly advise you to take a few test digs to see if the soil, is in fact, dry several inches down. The top inch may be dry, may even crack a bit, but below the top inch the soil may be quite damp.
Check Your Mulch Torrential rains have dislodged some mulch as well as compacted areas. If you have difficulty breaking the surface of the mulch with your fingers, it’s too tight. Tight mulch will suppress weeds with ease, but when it does get hot and dry for an extended period of time, those light rains will have a difficult time penetrating the too tight mulch. One more reason we are promoting the use of pine straw: it never gets too tight.