Wimberg Landscaping is happy to announce that we are partnering with the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens’ (CZBG) Plant for Pollinators Challenge. As we develop a better understanding about how our endeavors in the landscape have a direct impact on the success or failure of pollinators and other wildlife, gardeners are making a conscious effort to design and manage their gardens in a way that will support our pollinator population. The CZBG is in the forefront of plant and wildlife education. While the cheetahs and hippos may get a lot of fanfare, the work being done at the Zoo to promote plants that will benefit pollinators is equally important.

“When we talk about planting for pollinators, seldom does it mean a complete overhaul of a garden or landscape. This sentiment is reflected in the CZBG’s Plant for Pollinators Challenge promotional material which emphasizes good work can be done to help pollinators with a large garden or a small balcony garden,” shares Peter Wimberg. “Planting for pollinators can be as easy as adding blooming plants, waiting to cut back spent perennials and grasses until early spring- great for winter interest in the garden and winter habitat- and incorporating a water source.”

The CZBG has organized plants according to type (shrubs, perennials, annuals) and bloom time. Their site also offers a step-by-step guide for creating a pollinator garden from the ground up. Where we come in is working with clients who desire a more pollinator friendly garden but don’t have the experience to coordinate such a planting, or the time. We can develop a new garden or enhance an existing garden to become more pollinator friendly.

The CZBG has a goal of achieving 500 registered pollinator garden in 2019. To help them reach that goal, we are adapting our own gardens, often featured in this blog, to become official CZBG pollinator gardens, and adding a few new gardens, too.
We encourage you to visit the Zoo’s Plant for Pollinators Challenge site and learn more about their program. Then we can work with you to evaluate your garden as a pollinator friendly destination. Whether you need a collection of new plants or more environmentally friendly ways to maintain the garden space, we can help. We’ll even help with the registration of your garden on the Zoo’s Plants for Pollinators database and secure a Planting for Pollinators sign to show that you are gardening for pollinators!