Despite the heat and lack of rain, the gardens are still alive with drought resistant perennials and the continuous motion and song of pollinators. When I visit with new clients, especially those who have not had the opportunity to enhance their landscape, the feeling is summer has dragged on too long and the gardens are finished. But that’s when I get to share the good news, that when a garden has a healthy selection of drought resistant plants and shrubs, the gardens, while they may be little on the dry side, are far from done.
Some of my favorite pollinator plants are naturally drought resistant. So while the heat dragged on a bit too long, many of my go-to plants were, and still are, looking rather fine. Add to that, the plants are still attracting pollinators in droves. Even plants that are starting to fade a bit are still covered in bees. And should this oppressive heat and drought carry on one week too long, the pollinator-friendly trees and shrubs, chosen for their texture and architectural form, will sustain the beauty of the landscape.

Of course, a new landscape deserves a bit of tending to with extra watering. But once it’s established, watering is an infrequent task.
So let this be the last end of summer season that you look out at your landscape and think it’s all over until spring. We can make your landscape something wonderful to behold, year round. ~ Natalie