I tend to use far more perennials than annuals in my gardens. But last year, some diseased trees were removed and new trees planted leaving a sunny garden, but for a limited time. The new lilac trees will make a for a shady spot to sit, but for the next few years it will be pretty sunny. Not wanting to plant sun perennials that I would have to move, I opted for annuals to fill in the garden and give it a lot of instant, summer-long color. Here’s what I planted that won me over:
Yellow Lantana: They bloomed all summer, never needed deadheading and are deer resistant.
I married them with annual Blue Salvia, another long bloomer with great color. I had a few Color Guard Yuccas to add to the garden, too. The result, great mixture of colors and textures and a garden that was unapologetically cheery.
On a neighboring bird feeder post I let Black-eyed Susan vines take over. They climb and crawl like crazy and offer many flowers. I didn’t mind them acting as ground covers, either, for it saved me having to buy more annuals to fill all the open garden space.
Zinnias are simply a must have. I’m yet to meet anyone, gardener or observer, who dislikes these summer beauties. l indulged in the taller cutting variety and short, bushier plants, too. They both attracted the park goers and butterflies alike. Sure the taller ones had a bit of mildew, but nothing to cause alarm or tarnish the look of the garden.

And this last plant surprised me, marigolds. I’m typically not a fan, perhaps I always see these in sparsely planted container gardens or soldiered along a walk, too many inches apart. In this garden I tucked them in on the tight side and they formed a nice cover of yellow and orange blooms. I will admit, they are starting to win me over.